Here Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Cacao, Books, Tools and Tips… here are my recommendations to help enhance your expanded life.
Sacred Ceremonial Cacao:
Heart Opening - Consciousness Expanding, The Medicine For Your Heart

I love to read. Here's a list of some of my favorite books:

Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza- A MUST READ! It will change your life! This is one of the many inspirations for my Quantum Manifestation process that I teach in groups or with my one-on-one and coaching clients.

Conscious Loving by Gay Hendricks- This was a require read for my Alchemy of Breath breathwork facilitator training. Also, another must read and it will change your life and the way you communicate.

May Cause Miracles by Gabby Bernstein- A loving forgiveness process set over 40 days that, you guessed it, may cause miracles, open your heart, and change your life.

Quit Like A Woman by Holly Whitaker- For sure, a life-changing way to see the CHOICE to live alcohol-free.

Lost Connections by Johann Hari- Will help you understand the depression & loneliness epidemic.

How to Do the Work by Dr. Nicole Iepera- An easy guide to recognizing your patterns and making sustainable change.

This Naked Mind by Annie Grace- You may quit drinking just by reading this book. SO powerful.

Vibrate Higher Daily by Lalah Delia- SO much wisdom & inspiration in this tiny but mighty book.